March 21

3 Things To Prepare Your Business For Recession 2020



Recession 2020 is coming! 20% unemployment or 10% unemployment it will have a an impact on your business. So, what can you do NOW when everything is at a standstill? What can you do now to be ready for some upswing in 4-6 weeks?

Among the many things you have on your to do list, I strongly urge that you consider spending some time now to do the following 3 things.

1) Start creating marketing asset – content/articles that are say 1000-2000 words and go deep to address your prospects issues.
2) SEO optimize your site
3) Get backlinks (See #1 – you need content to get backlinks)

Really, these are the foundations of SEO optimization and it all starts with content. Majority of the times business owners are too busy ‘in the business’ to think about the website and why most don’t update it for months. Well, with the current downtime and I think this is a great opportunity for business to make themselves stand out from the rest who are full of fear and gloom.


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